What to say: 3rd year of my pole journey

Ever since there had been restrictions to avoid CONVID19, I’ve stopped pole dancing ever since we cannot gather more than 4 people and keeping 1.5m distance from each other.  So I didn’t have the chance to celebrate the 3rd year of my pole dance journey but still shouldn’t stop me from blogging.


With this entry, I really want to thank Kim for making the song list and level of difficulty in the routines.



The songs I have completed successfully –

1. All I want for Christmas is You- This will always remind me of the pole dance whatsapp group started off just me as the admin, filled with Kim, Yoyo, Jasmine and Chiling.


2.Just Give Me A Reason- The song I paide the maximum effort to dance, especially it was the time I invited Nelson as my special guest to watch me completing the dance.  How I danced for the routine was slightly different from the rest of them since it was tough for Tina to dance with someone far too tall for her?! But she is one cutie that showed real support in my blogger career development since then.


3. Be Our Guest- It was around end of 2018 that Mary started pole dancing in the same class as me. She was my officially partner for this routine and she had took part in some of the blogger events and tasks I took.  I guess Be Our Guest became the song into why I’d take her to everywhere I can fit her in.



第三年既pole dance生涯真係好斷斷續續,但係寶刀未老,都算老懷安慰。而雖然呢三年之中,我每一年只跳到一首歌,但係每首歌都係group/pair 而同pole buddies 喺routine 之中建立關係。呢三年,我地呢個細細地,無競爭,舒服相處既studio 都係大家努力既經營,多謝您們一直都係保持直腸直肚,但仍然互相尊重零是非零心病既方式去相處。跳pole dance 咁耐,我真係未必叻到可以攞正牌做個pole 界既KOL,但係勝在呢三年既經歷都係非常貼地寫實的。
