Sep 2021- Pole dance equipment 必備品- Shaving Cream

學左POLE DANCE咁耐, 我所知最基本既常用既POLE DANCE 用品就係DRY HAND 同護膝, 但係導師KEYS 仲有準備左SHAVING CREAM 去搽小腿同腳要GRIP 既地方更輕易完成一個佢教既COMBO

Throughout my pole journey, dry hand alcohol and knee pads are must haves. But applying shaving cream on leg gripping areas is also very effective while taking Keys’s lesson on this particular combo.

呢個COMBO 既過程上到POLE 之後重點係要將後面大腿慢慢橫插去幫左倒上身落黎, 而造成90度角既視覺同埋再勾晒兩隻腳喺POLE.

This combo involves a movement where the back thigh swipes horizontally across the pole to support the upper body descending at the same time. From my pole vlog caption, the right angle should be created in the process and hooking both legs on pole should be the next step.

最後完成呢個COMBO 就係將上大腿疊去下大腿橋腳去完成.

To complete the combo, the upper thigh should land on top of the other thigh, and it should look like I am crossing my legs on pole.

Peach Studio- 租場練POLE 體驗

生疏左POLE DANCE 左好耐既我都好想試下去到唔同既STUDIO 打卡同打BLOG, 咁岩喺年頭,我認識左個跳POLE DANCE既知音人 (法鬥BOSS 媽媽)就喺我今個月上POLE 時間最唔靚既時候, 竟然都落力鞭策我而約到去租場練POLE

Unfortunately, I can’t take all the Saturday pole lessons this month, but I was lucky to meet a new friend who booked a timeslot with me for intensive practising, polishing up together. Appreciating efforts and time of Frenchie Boss’s mum so much.

地點: PEACH STUDIO (18/8 19:00-21:00)

平時上POLE既時間係一個鐘 (拉筋, 正式上POLE) 以前真係好入門既時侯會覺得唔夠用 (如果只係學TRCIK), 但係慢慢再尋找GRIP同執好細節其實現在覺得好夠用. 今次好好利用兩小時練POLE 既時間可以COVER到兩個TRICK 係真係岩岩好, 兩個鐘對我黎講先至真係學到野

Each pole lesson I have lasts an hour (Warm up streches & Pole lesson in progress)- In the past, if the lessons were trick based, I always felt 1 hour was never enough. However, during the time of lessons I tried pick up everything back on track, it’s surely enough afterall. However, from my first time renting for 2 hours, and the time spent covering 2 tricks were very fruitful.

我選擇左再次做CRADLE 同埋真正感受做BALLERINA 係咩既一回事:

CRADLE- 有影相!

BALLERINA – 仲係一個FAIL 到唔敢影片影相

I chose Cradle and Ballerina for those 2 hours, but Ballerina was still a failure that I don’t feel ready to save a photo this time.

設施: STUDIO 有兩支 40MMPOLE, 有基本必用既YOGA MAT, 磚, 洗手間, 最重要係所有物品都乾淨.

Facilities: 40MM POLE x 2, Yoga mats and bricks and a washroom. I am very impressed with the how clean everything is maintained.

優點同缺點一樣就係樓底唔夠高覺- 2017年首次接觸POLE 時既我感覺上係易掌握同跌都跌得無咁傷, 都係樓底唔高既STUDIO 開始起步, 現在見到有D 驚唔夠高既樓底真係怕有D 動作係會唔夠位做.

The height of pole becomes my pros and cons to what I think of the studio as I started off pole with a lower ceiling in Kowloon Bay that the tricks were easily to get the hang of and at least injuries were much more avoidable. However, the pole installed to a lower ceiling would be a concern to me if there is not space to complete a trick/combo properly.

但最後, 我好開心, 我終於用到相機而唔係電話喺射燈之下影到靚少少既相 (個TRICK 再錯都起碼係見得人既相)

In the end, I finally took a photo with my Canon camera instead of my phone, under the spotlight as something interesting for myself! Well at least I could finally feel comfortable enough to tell myself “It’s not right but it’s OK).

New Pole Studio – New Pole Journey

因為疫情既原固, 我都停左好耐. 所以2021年既7月, 見疫情氣氛和緩一點先後, 我就再放心投入POLE DANCE, 但我覺得係時候改變下- 例如上POLE DANCE 既時間同認識不同既導師去擴闊自己視野 – 現在既我轉左喺荔枝角,星期六下午上堂.

I stopped pole dance for quite long time cuz of COVID’19 until I felt ready to get back on track (Jul 2021). But I felt it’s about time to make some changes in my pole journey. Right now, I have started pole dance in Lai Chi Kok, and the lessons take place every Saturday afternoon.

喺荔枝角教既導師叫KEYS, 特質係: 拉緊時間較短, 而教既細節比較多. 可能因為咁, 7月10日再重新投入POLE DANCE時, 我上POLE 既GRIP 就係果一刻慢慢返黎

Lessons in Lai Chi Kok are held by instructor, Keys. The features in her lessons are that time for stretching may be shorten, but I remembered from my 1st lesson with her, I adapted back the grips and strengths I had originally.

連STUDIO 既nature: 樓底比以前喺九龍灣既PULSE 高, 點去POLISH 返每個TRICK 做得靚, 都好考究地面同POLE 頂既空間

The difference between Pulse in Kowloon Bay and Tink is mainly the height from floor to ceiling. Tink has a high up ceiling, therefore, how well we can use the space for polishing up each trick is totally related (I think).

講下暫時KEYS 對我既初步FEEDBACK 係: 一段基本 CLIMB, SIT 都已經做到, 而且GRIP 都返返黎, 仲同我解釋上堂用既POLE 係40MM, 手掌唔算細既人一般都HANDLE 得到. 所以我現在更會喺呢個新既STUDIO 再同POLE DANCE CONNECT 返, 同埋習慣每一刻使用40MM POLE 既狀態吧

Feedbacks of Keys in her lesson: I could still handle basic tricks: climb and sit, and gripping is eventually come back to me slowly. She also explained that the studio is occupying 40MM poles that most dancers could handle as long as they don’t have small palms. For now, I should just make connections and adapt the movements while using 40mm poles.

Starting all over again (Dec 2020) – 再重頭開始

至從新冠狀病毒疫情既反覆,我已經好耐都無pole dance 或者保持住打BLOG紀錄自己既狀態, 但主要原因都係帶唔帶口罩都係死. 上個月開始我再次投入返POLE DANCE 生涯, 所以感覺上都要比較辛苦咁再由一張白紙開始過.

我唔係好想武功全癈,要為己為人而要辛苦D 帶住口罩去上POLE.

I haven’t been pole dancing over half a year cuz of COVID19. In fact, wearing a face mask and pole dance at the same time are my fatal challenges.

A month ago (Nov 2020), I have restarted pole dancing weekly and it was a tough start when I had to pick up everything that I lost from zero again with a face mask in the away.

I enjoy pole dance so much that I don’t want to lose the skills I learnt for these years, but to maintain what I have meant that I have to continue my pole journey with a face mask in the way. But this is all about being considerate as much as possible.

無上POLE既九月時,我同老公一齊買左個新相機, 如無以外,我用左2-3年既自拍神器 (Casio TR-80) 都光榮地功成身退. 新相機Model 為 Canon Powershot 5x Mark II, 暫時回歸POLE DANCE 既第一堂用過之後都係BACK TO 用返電話影片, 希望再返返去之前理想既狀態後, 可以用呢部新相機影到成功既TRICK 既一D 連拍分享

Though I missed out pole dancing for months, my husband and I bought a new camera since September 2020 (Canon Powershot 5x Mark II).

Therefore, I will no longer use Casio TR-80 in pole dancing. So far, I only used my camera just for the 1st returning lesson. Then I filmed everything as videos via my phone so far.

Hopefully, it doesn’t take me long before I could adapt back the tricks I was doing well with and make good use of my camera.

What to say: 3rd year of my pole journey

Ever since there had been restrictions to avoid CONVID19, I’ve stopped pole dancing ever since we cannot gather more than 4 people and keeping 1.5m distance from each other.  So I didn’t have the chance to celebrate the 3rd year of my pole dance journey but still shouldn’t stop me from blogging.


With this entry, I really want to thank Kim for making the song list and level of difficulty in the routines.



The songs I have completed successfully –

1. All I want for Christmas is You- This will always remind me of the pole dance whatsapp group started off just me as the admin, filled with Kim, Yoyo, Jasmine and Chiling.


2.Just Give Me A Reason- The song I paide the maximum effort to dance, especially it was the time I invited Nelson as my special guest to watch me completing the dance.  How I danced for the routine was slightly different from the rest of them since it was tough for Tina to dance with someone far too tall for her?! But she is one cutie that showed real support in my blogger career development since then.


3. Be Our Guest- It was around end of 2018 that Mary started pole dancing in the same class as me. She was my officially partner for this routine and she had took part in some of the blogger events and tasks I took.  I guess Be Our Guest became the song into why I’d take her to everywhere I can fit her in.



第三年既pole dance生涯真係好斷斷續續,但係寶刀未老,都算老懷安慰。而雖然呢三年之中,我每一年只跳到一首歌,但係每首歌都係group/pair 而同pole buddies 喺routine 之中建立關係。呢三年,我地呢個細細地,無競爭,舒服相處既studio 都係大家努力既經營,多謝您們一直都係保持直腸直肚,但仍然互相尊重零是非零心病既方式去相處。跳pole dance 咁耐,我真係未必叻到可以攞正牌做個pole 界既KOL,但係勝在呢三年既經歷都係非常貼地寫實的。

Why I haven’t been pole dancing consistently? (English only)

It’s far too long since last time I have blogged about pole dance since there are a few things that were definitely affecting my schedule with pole dance.

Anti-Extradition Movement

Though I blogged about Jasmine’s wedding and send her the best wishes.  The Anti-Extradition movement already started and had been on going for around 6 months.  The 6 months have definitely be very chaotic for Hong Kongers, though my family and I and most pole buddies are safe and sound.

There had been a few highlighted items in the movement that may affect me, personally and emotionally- I don’t have to be arrested or sent to China or breathing in tear gas (physical experience) to explain why the movement stopped me from pole dancing.

Unprotected citizens: On 21 July 2019, the police left the residents and those in Yuen Long station being attacked by the triads.  And even made excuses to show up late rather than stopping the attack on the innocent people.

Brutal attack on 31 August 2019: Another attack but it was a true tragedy that the police attacked citizen in Prince Edward station.  The truth on the life and death in such tragedy remain hidden.  For some time within the movement, I decided not to take MTR to work – all because of this incident, there had been late evenings in the subway that totally kept me wondering if I will be attacked the same way.

Tear Gas & Paint Spraying police van: The 2 major weapons used during the movement to control protesters, to track & arrest protesters.  The chemicals contributed to air pollution and Hong Kong became a city of toxic.

Analysis: It’s a tragedy looking back and blog why I didn’t pole dance consistently – especially the Anti-Extradition movement explained well that a matter of life & death, human rights and well-being of my family and friends are more than just pole dancing.  I did go back to say hi once in a while since I miss Kim, Mary, Lamlam, Tina, Elena and Trista.


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The Start of 2020 – There had been news on the breakout of the Coronavirus spreading from Wuhan into different cities and provinces in China.  It is a high risk virus that can be passed through respiratory system – so wearing a face mask outdoor, hand santinizing and avoiding crowded places became the essential routine for Hong Kongers.

I am not sure if my pole dance journey can continue the way I wish to but I have attended the Friday night class on 7 Feb 2020 just to know if I am still capable.

Here we go with the screencaps, but readers can check out the rest through my Instagram. (


Thoughts: I can’t believe I am still able to make it in close to fulfilling Kim’s expectation and catching up with Jasmine.

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It’s tough for some of us to keep up the skills consistently especially the Coronavirus came along after the Anti-Extradition movement died down for now.

My Blogger Portfolio

Besides the sad news, ever since I’ve been working hard on developing my blogger career/portfolio, I haven’t been catch up with pole dance consistently.  But I know I may need pole dance to be part of my blogging/KOL portfolio even though I am far from the official key opinion leader in the pole dancing industry (Melody Man).

But I know without my pole buddies, I would never be as good as I think I can be in developing my blogger career.  Thank you for always putting up with me when it comes to taking the perfect picture/product photos or even just to spend time for food tasting with any of you.


Pole dance 必備: 虎標酸痛凝膠

Pole dance 性感既背後藏著一個痛苦既代價就係周身瘀, 尤其係身體每個部份都要重覆壓同grip 咁去做一個trick 同跳晒一首歌 (睇IG 就知)


對我來說, pole dance 既必備之一係要有knee pads 同 dry hand 先至可以安心跳到舞, 但係我自己同其他同學比, 我既年紀相對上大D, 造成既瘀如果又大又明顯, 但無野幫助血液循環同舒緩, 復原既時間就一定需要耐D



為左自己同POLE BUDDIES, 我都會帶埋虎標酸痛凝膠解決瘀痛既問題, 第一下搽落去感覺清涼, 之後會慢慢感覺熱力幫助血液循環, 幫助復完, 大家唔會因為上一堂未散晒瘀而無心機上堂


More details:

虎標 Tiger Balm

22 June 2019- Jasmine’s Wedding

識左Jasmine 一年半左右: 睇住佢由一個未必諗住咁快結婚,變到現在派貼俾我到出席佢Big day 既新娘同人妻。

Jasmine 同其他20-30歲既女仔一樣,有經歷愛情起跌,但亦唔怕同我或其他pole buddies 分享自己既經歷,所以好感激Jasmine 呢年半對我唔少既信任而有榮幸見證佢幸福快樂咁出嫁。

雖然出席婚宴既Pole buddy 只有Abby 同Charlie 陪我同枱,但對Jasmine 既祝福係一定更好效果。

而且Chiling, 我地既Pole Buddy 都係Jasmine 最重要既近身伴娘。早左到既我,從此多一樣野欣賞Chiling 就係佢喺酒店宴會房傾rundown 果個細心既, 一直都深信Jasmine 有Chiling 咁細心既伴娘,一定可以做個開開心心既女主角。所以Chiling 都可以同佢心中既女神Wonder Woman 一樣咁了不起。

在此,我會與其他有留意開我pole dance既朋友們一起祝福佢。

May 2019- Hangout & Food tasting with Mary

好感恩認識左Blogger Lydia 之後,我就多左試食既Job接,同樣係時侯以KOL 既身份黎報答pole buddies。


同一星期帶左Mary 去試食兩次:

1) Sodam Chicken

一間食韓國炸雞既餐廳,兩個女仔都膽粗粗咁試呢個Signature 既太陽芝士炸雞, 但因為d包都好大塊,所以食左半碟已經舉高雙手投降話夠喇。

不過其他美食: 紫菜薯條同茄汁mustard 年糕係真心唔錯,而且水蜜桃啤酒都好特別的。

Sodam Chicken
地址: 7/F, 3 Yiu Wa Street, Bartlock Centre, Causeway Bay

2- Steak Bar

不過,Mary 覺得好食既係第二日既Steak Bar,未去之前已經俾佢Mark 實左個石燒薄切牛肉。

本身我唔食牛,所以share 左少少 Mary 個set d飯同叫左個芝士年糕及雞翼。

Mary 話最滿意係牛肉好滑,易入口。本身以我所了解既Mary,對食冇乜所謂,食完兩間餐廳既食品都有偏喜歡某間多d。

Mary 既滿意程度足以會再帶朋友或介紹朋友來試。

Steak Bar

Steak Bar
Shop B, G/F, Tang Fai Building , 36-48 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay

Chanel既Coco Flash Club: 我第二回返去,但就帶Mary另影靚相。

好感激Mary 5月呢兩日都為我頻撲住咁一齊渡過我既Blogger生涯。

Hangouts with 8:30 Pole Buddies (May 2019)

除左平時分享上pole既 tricks 同教咩歌而打blog之外,我第一次喺呢個blog介紹飲食同吃喝玩樂。

There is more than just showing tricks and dance routines in my blog. For once, I am going to blog about food recommendations when it comes to hangout with pole buddies.

我同 pole buddies: Elena, Tina 同Trista 認識左都有一年半左右,以前 Elena 同我通常都係上Dival 堂先會見,但最後我地四個走埋一齊既原因都係全因為我曾經都係上Kim 既8:30堂架。

I’ve known Elena, Tina and Trista around 1 year and a half and I used to attend to 8:30pm classes just like them. Elena was abit of the special one since we knew each other from Dival’s classes but in the end, the 4 of us got together when we all took Kim’s 8:30pm classes together.

同Trista 了解未算好深先真係唔知原來佢都好鐘意high tea 呢樣野,本身由舊年已經開始想約燦枱腳, 變到Elena 同Tina 都想一齊參與就變左5月19號既四人行

I was at first quite surprised when I noticed Trista actually likes afternoon teas. We started making plans last year on afternoon tea together, but somehow, the 4 of us ended getting together this month.

屬於我同Tina 唔只Just Give Me A Reason 成為pole partner建立關係, 呢個畫面仲好似當年返工認識人生在職場上既閨蜜咁一樣 (2007年時)

Tina and I became pole partners since Just Give Me A Reason… in fact, this photo reminded me of my first work bff in life (back in 2007).

我地呢個high tea就係大家一致投票既 Crostini (Times Square) 分店。

After suggesting a few places, Crostini was our most voted option.

Teaset: HKD $328


I personally liked the sandwiches,since I always been a fan of salmon.

雖然平時上pole既時間同平是互相whatsapp 已經對每一個生活細節同基本價值觀已經有一定認識,但四個女人一個墟咁過一個下午的確係第一次,真正既互相扶持真係唔只跳pole 去建立。

Though we already have regular conversation in and outside pole lessons, it was really our first time together for tea and a girly chat. I feel the truest friendship and support really came between us, something more than just supporting each other to pole dance.

除左一個high tea,我地仲去埋 Coco Flash Club 狂影相,開頭只係諗,有您地陪我已經好夠,但比想像中好玩時,又多一樣開心事屬於我地四個既pole dance 生涯了。

After our tea time, we made our way to enjoy and check in for the Coco Flash club. At first, I was only asking for their companion but in the end, we all enjoyed this pop up party together.

我地好一致都話呢個Disco ball同較唔同燈係最好玩最好既影相spot,同埋大家都好叻叻咁記得Kim既教誨要point腳 (雖然未約實下一次幾時再可以咁玩過,但係諗定下一個tea 去邊打卡影相,諗起都開心了)。

The 4 of us enjoyed the same fave part of Coco flash club (disco ball) and even took Kim’s advice real serious enough: We pointed our toes!

I believe there is another next time for us to get together, but still deciding when and where… that’s the least we can do and something to make myself smile for now.