New Pole Studio – New Pole Journey

因為疫情既原固, 我都停左好耐. 所以2021年既7月, 見疫情氣氛和緩一點先後, 我就再放心投入POLE DANCE, 但我覺得係時候改變下- 例如上POLE DANCE 既時間同認識不同既導師去擴闊自己視野 – 現在既我轉左喺荔枝角,星期六下午上堂.

I stopped pole dance for quite long time cuz of COVID’19 until I felt ready to get back on track (Jul 2021). But I felt it’s about time to make some changes in my pole journey. Right now, I have started pole dance in Lai Chi Kok, and the lessons take place every Saturday afternoon.

喺荔枝角教既導師叫KEYS, 特質係: 拉緊時間較短, 而教既細節比較多. 可能因為咁, 7月10日再重新投入POLE DANCE時, 我上POLE 既GRIP 就係果一刻慢慢返黎

Lessons in Lai Chi Kok are held by instructor, Keys. The features in her lessons are that time for stretching may be shorten, but I remembered from my 1st lesson with her, I adapted back the grips and strengths I had originally.

連STUDIO 既nature: 樓底比以前喺九龍灣既PULSE 高, 點去POLISH 返每個TRICK 做得靚, 都好考究地面同POLE 頂既空間

The difference between Pulse in Kowloon Bay and Tink is mainly the height from floor to ceiling. Tink has a high up ceiling, therefore, how well we can use the space for polishing up each trick is totally related (I think).

講下暫時KEYS 對我既初步FEEDBACK 係: 一段基本 CLIMB, SIT 都已經做到, 而且GRIP 都返返黎, 仲同我解釋上堂用既POLE 係40MM, 手掌唔算細既人一般都HANDLE 得到. 所以我現在更會喺呢個新既STUDIO 再同POLE DANCE CONNECT 返, 同埋習慣每一刻使用40MM POLE 既狀態吧

Feedbacks of Keys in her lesson: I could still handle basic tricks: climb and sit, and gripping is eventually come back to me slowly. She also explained that the studio is occupying 40MM poles that most dancers could handle as long as they don’t have small palms. For now, I should just make connections and adapt the movements while using 40mm poles.
