Starting all over again (Dec 2020) – 再重頭開始

至從新冠狀病毒疫情既反覆,我已經好耐都無pole dance 或者保持住打BLOG紀錄自己既狀態, 但主要原因都係帶唔帶口罩都係死. 上個月開始我再次投入返POLE DANCE 生涯, 所以感覺上都要比較辛苦咁再由一張白紙開始過.

我唔係好想武功全癈,要為己為人而要辛苦D 帶住口罩去上POLE.

I haven’t been pole dancing over half a year cuz of COVID19. In fact, wearing a face mask and pole dance at the same time are my fatal challenges.

A month ago (Nov 2020), I have restarted pole dancing weekly and it was a tough start when I had to pick up everything that I lost from zero again with a face mask in the away.

I enjoy pole dance so much that I don’t want to lose the skills I learnt for these years, but to maintain what I have meant that I have to continue my pole journey with a face mask in the way. But this is all about being considerate as much as possible.

無上POLE既九月時,我同老公一齊買左個新相機, 如無以外,我用左2-3年既自拍神器 (Casio TR-80) 都光榮地功成身退. 新相機Model 為 Canon Powershot 5x Mark II, 暫時回歸POLE DANCE 既第一堂用過之後都係BACK TO 用返電話影片, 希望再返返去之前理想既狀態後, 可以用呢部新相機影到成功既TRICK 既一D 連拍分享

Though I missed out pole dancing for months, my husband and I bought a new camera since September 2020 (Canon Powershot 5x Mark II).

Therefore, I will no longer use Casio TR-80 in pole dancing. So far, I only used my camera just for the 1st returning lesson. Then I filmed everything as videos via my phone so far.

Hopefully, it doesn’t take me long before I could adapt back the tricks I was doing well with and make good use of my camera.
